Don Kettleborough
From grand foyers in luxury villas to dining rooms in well-visited country clubs, Don Kettleborough's paintings and murals have provided the focal point for many of Naples' homes and public spaces.
Kettleborough received a B.S. in Education from Northern Illinois University and an M.A. in painting from Bradley University. For 16 years he was a high school art instructor and also taught college level art seminars. After 16 years of "juggling" academia and my own creative energies, I media a decision to devote all my efforts to creating art in various forms, "says Kettleborough. These forms have included paintings, wall and ceiling murals, and even greeting cards.
"I'm especially fond of my funky fine art greetings cards designs the were published by Universe Press", beams Kettleborough.
Kettleborough is a master of trompet l'ouel or "fooling the eye".
"I have transformed bare walls into highly decorative baroque mantel-pieces and fireplaces, beachfront views, gardens complete will trellises and even Everglades environs".
Larger than lifesized tropical birds fly though a country club, fancifully dressed monkeys parade across a ceiling, and tropical foliage abounds in the foyers of majestic area residences, compliments of Don.
I also enjoy portraiture and I'm honored that Eureka College commissioned me to paint a portrait of Nancy Reagan for their permanent collection." Kettleborough's most recent commission include paintings for Moorings Country Club and a foyer mural for a new villa at Vizcaya in Bay Colony. "Just for fun I recently started a series of monkey paintings done in the style of the great masters. My first, titled "Ode to Watteau," has created such a stir in the gallery that monkeys in the style of Renoir and Reubens may not be far behind."
Kettlebborough has been show in Galleries through out the States for many years and in New Orleans for a decade.